
December 2022 meeting minutes and March 16 meeting agenda added

03/07/2023 12:23
Hi folks - Minutes from the December 2022 SWONA quarterly meeting were added to the Meeting Minutes folder link on the left sidebar and the Agenda for this months meeting has been added to the main page.  This is an annual meeting so there will be SWONA board elections for President and...

Work parties

09/27/2022 23:15
Hi folks - As a follow up to the discussion we had at our quarterly meeting on September 15, we are planning a work party to plant shrubs at the Ranier View pocket park (next to the mural on Olympic Drive NW) on Saturday, October 22, starting at 9:30 a.m.  More to follow.  The Thurston...

Next SWONA meeting is IN PERSON!

09/01/2022 12:59
For the first time in two and a half years we will be having our quarterly meeting in person at the usual place (Gloria Dei Church).  The details and agenda are below.  We do not have hybrid capacity at the moment (virtual plus in-person) but if you have a suggestion we're all...

The Welcome Spot is no more

08/19/2022 14:45
If you have walked by the old Welcome Spot pocket park on 9th and Fern in the last week you may have noticed that our sign and the concrete bench were missing.  Here is the explanation.  In early June SWONA received a letter from a lawyer representing the current owner of that property...

Our next quarterly SWONA meeting via Zoom is this Thursday, June 16!

06/12/2022 11:04
Springtime is here and it’s almost summer. That means there are a ton of exciting events brewing in our neighborhood and all over Olympia. Let’s chat about them! We’ll hear from West Central Park and SWONA has some fun get togethers planned, too. Do you have something you’d like to promote or...

Spring cleaning of SWONA mural on Olympic Drive NW

06/05/2022 11:38
Hi folks - Yesterday a few of us did the semiannual maintenance of the mural, pressure washing, weeding and general cleanup.  Looks almost as good as new.  Check it out!  Our next quarterly meeting will be on Thursday, June 16 via Zoom (turns out we are still in a pandemic in spite...

SWONA Annual Meeting is Tomorrow!

03/16/2022 16:07
Our 2022 Annual Meeting is tomorrow via Zoom.  Hope you can make it.  Mark Toy and Cat Kelly are stepping down from the Board so we'll need replacements.  Here's the agenda:   7:00 Introductions and ice breaker (Happy St. Patrick’s Day) 7:10 Quick business:  Financial...

Christmas Light Parade on Westside on December 2!

11/25/2021 10:59

June and September SWONA meeting minutes have been added

11/04/2021 15:38
You can find minutes from the June and September 2021 SWONA quarterly minutes by using the tool bar on the left hand side of the main webpage

Mural and Membership Application

09/19/2021 08:51
Hi folks - just a couple of updates. First, the mural.  We plan to do cleaning today and painting next weekend (September 25 and 26) from 10-4 (or whenever you can show up to help).  Please bring painting clothes, brushes/rollers, and containers for mixing paint.  We will have...
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