SWONA quarterly meeting next week!

12/10/2020 19:02

Hi folks - Next week is our quarterly SWONA meeting.  SWONA members on record will be getting an e-mail with the Zoom link for the meeting.  With the current pandemic situation we are a bit less ambitious for this meeting, mainly giving updates on what's happened since the last meeting in September and a discussion of what we should be doing before the next (Spring 2021) quarterly meeting (which is supposed to be our Annual Meeting).  Hopefully we can do it at least partially in person, and hope to see you next week via Zoom.

(I have copied the agenda here, and it's also posted where it should be on the left hand side bar)

South Westside Olympia Neighborhood Association (SWONA)

Meeting Agenda, Thursday, December 17, 2020, 7:00-8:00 pm


7:00 pm         Introductions

                        Zoom meeting logistics

7:10 pm         Approval of September minutes

7:15 pm         Updates


  • Mural maintenance
  • Pocket park maintenance
  • Unity Church update
  • CNA update 

7:35 pm         Discussion – Looking forward to 2021

8:00 pm         Adjourn